Dear GBBPA Member,
It’s membership renewal time for the Greater Berlin Business and Professional Association!!!
As you can see, we have held off sending this renewal due to the impact so many of our businesses have incurred due to COVID19. Back in May our members agreed to permit our organization to honor our first responders, including DPW, by serving meals bought from our local GBBPA restaurant members. We still have a few to complete, but we are getting there! In addition, GBBPA members agreed to help current members that are non-profit, 501(c)(3,) by donating $250.00 to each business to assist with their bills. These businesses are dependent upon donations and fund raisers. The Covid 19 pandemic prevented their annual major fund raiser from taking place. The businesses that fell into this category were: South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition and Women of Hope Resource Center.
The Greater Berlin Business and Professional (GBBPA) renewal application can be downloaded from this website. Please complete and return with your check for $100 to the P. O. Box shown on the application. The previous membership term was September thru September. We are changing our membership year to reflect that of our normal fiscal period. Starting with this renewal, your membership payments will be affective starting January 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2021.
We are planning to continue to sponsor the GBBPA Berlin Fall Festival once again. It took a pandemic to cancel our annual event that we know everyone enjoys and looks forward to yearly. The tentative date is still the 2nd Saturday in October…October 9, 2021!!! This event would never happen if it were not for all of our members, so thank you!
We are looking to continue to grow our membership of business owners in Berlin, West Berlin and Waterford Twp. If you know anyone who is interested, please have them email the or visit our website: for information about our organization.
Betty Velie, President
Johnnye Ervin, Vice President
Carolyn Lutz, Treasurer
Kathy Betz, Secretary